refresh // get an apology

Here are the newer updates :) The very oldest are at the bottom. This is because a long while ago I used plain textareas to put my updates in which didn't allow me to use HTML. Then I switched to textareas that could, & next to inline frames. So those have HTML tags in them that would show up if I put it in a textarea. There you have it...the reasoning behind the madness

The next few weeks I blogged my updates. These are missing :P Sorry.

*N-E-W::L-A-Y-O-U-T* ::silence descends upon audience:: WHAT?! Don't you think it's CUTE? I think it's cute, plus it doesn't do anything stupid. Woohoo. No...I didn't use anything fancy, just a background, an image and DIV. 'Course it's much brighter than my last one. No - I'm not doing a dark Halloween themed one. ^__^ I'm in the "pink" mood. As for any content updates - yes, but I don't know what they are. I tweaked here and there while I was updating. Added cliques, fanlistings and stuff like that. It took me a while because THIS IS THE SERVER WITH THE LEAST ANNOYING ADS - BUT NO FTP. *wishes to be hosted* - If I were hosted, I could use I frames without having to worry about covering up ads (no ad blocker works on, you have to manually place an image over it). I could use greymatter...php...etc. I've read about how to use those, and could probably figure it out. But NOO...I can't get a domain, so I'm wishing to be hosted. I should probably go out and ask around, but you know what? I'm too embarressed. I don't get enough feedback on my website either. *WAAAH!!* Anyways, check around (*cough*host*me*cough*), give feedback please and enjoy :)

I added FANLISTING I'VE JOINED page! Woohoo! I added a few new cliques as well as some Cute-ting adoptions :)

No new updates as I had a wedding to prepare for as well as major school assignment overload. I got a guestbook entry that cited that it was annoying to have different layouts on each section so...they all have the same layout now. :) I did a few minor things that I did not mention lately - joining new cliques etc.

As soon as I learned how to "fix" my computer's problem with only saving as GIF and not being able to view source, I got quite a few adoptions :D They are located in the Person section; they are in seperate pages. I also have a few mini-cliques hanging about. Enjoy!

A new guestbook for HKU is up! I really did not like the old one, but I left that on there in case you wanted to sign that too. I only had six or seven entries in the old one anyway, it won't be missed.

I finally had time to update a little. I got a Birthday Adoptions for the Person section = all the images relate to my birthday either by season, sign, day, year, month etc. Two pages added to the Data section: namely a page about my 8th grade classes and my 8th grade schedule. Have fun!

I got great feedback from Ivy of Budgiland. Thanks Ivy! Thanks to her, many of the pages have been updated, grammar mistakes corrected and I love her even more. Read some of her stories!!

I added a Photos page! But hey, I'm afraid of stalkers and child pornographers so I made it password protected. If I don't know you then, sorry. I make exceptions for a few people I know online but you'll have to email me :D Teehee.

A new layout has been added for section on the website! They are all simple and should make navigating the site easier.

I added three new pages to the Data section of the site, What I can't live without..., Top 10 Favorite Movies and Free Open Diary. I also added My Free Open Diary to the person area of the site because since it's hosted on Free Opend Diary, I had to sign up for it. Plus, it's sort of interactive because you can leave me notes under my entries. Also, my current desktop screenshot has been added to the Data section as well. Enjoy.

Note: I'm quickly getting tired of the current layout. A new one is in the works.

I added two new pages to the Data section of the site, My Death Countdown and my autobiography. Not recommended for those weak of heart.

A few new links have been added to the Design Related Links, Neopet Links and Obsess section of the site. Instead of placing the latest in that little box, I put a pop-up link to this page in that little box. Other minor tweaks have also taken place. Those pages will have these updates noted.

Visit the new links I've added: [*] [*] [*] [*] [*] [*] [*] [*] [*] [*]

I finally finished updating all of the pages. No back buttons need to be rubbed to oblivion while in use of this site. Working hard to add more content. Patience is asked for.

The new layout has been put up! There are some minor tweaks to be done right now, so please don't email me about how you're wearing out the 'BACK' button. 09.07.03
+ Back from downstate; new page. Idiot Conversations I was talking to a guy who was pretending to be Sadam. We cussed back and forth for a good bit. Nothing too disgusting in there but not recommended for children. Actually, I don't think it was all that dumb because he was obviously being silly and not really's sorta funny/sorta not.

+ A new layout today!
+ Archived previous updates.

It's been such a long time since my last update but expect more stuff soon! 08.20.03
How odd! I haven't updated in forever (it seems). I was quite busy with some other sites. First of all, the TSP Guild website is moderated by me. It's the website for a guild on Neopets. I also have been working on Pinkittygil's Neopet Life Guide for Neopets. :D Neopets has been the center of my online attention for quite awhile and so has the imcoming school year. However, I did update today! I added a My Drawing section the the Me section. I also added two new design attempts, a wallpaper and a random cool little pic. Uh..right. More coming soon :D My birthday is on the 23rd! Woohoo!

The new layout has been finished! I put up my own warning banner on every page instead of the ad banner. It's definitely a big improvement. I hope you like it. Anyways, I'm going to update all of the pages, maybe seperate some of my info, etc. I'm currently begging for a domain. My parents say I don't NEED one. I don't, but I want one enough to say I do.

New layout coming! I can't update it all at once because my server doesn't support FTP and I'm too excited about it to code it all at once. The main page is up but all of the subpages don't match! However, I have to get off (it's 11:40 p.m.) so I'll wake up early (lol, lunch time) and finish changing all the pages for you. Please don't mind them!

You know, I'm going to make a divider to seperate the days of updates. ^__^ Sound good? Anyways, I can't update right now, I'm too busy cleaning out my media. Let me tell you abou it ^__^ but first let me do the Friday Five, ok?

1. What's the last place you traveled to, outside your own home state/country?
I just went to Hershey, Pennsylvannia.

2. What's the most bizarre/unusual thing that's ever happened to you while traveling?
Um..that's hard. My trips have all been rather normal. I think the most unusual (and unlucky) thing that happened is that the window of the car wouldn't go back up so my dad pulled it up and ducked taped it.

3. If you could take off to anywhere, money and time being no object, where would you go?
I go to Australia. It's so beautiful and fun there, I just wanna go back and spend a year there.. lol, or live there.

4. Do you prefer traveling by plane, train or car?
Train, it's much more comfortable even if it is a bit slow.

5. What's the next place on your list to visit?
The year. My family haven't gone there in the longest time.

Me: I'm getting rid of ALL the media on the computer so I won't be in trouble for illegal music download. Lol, that didn't sound right. I used Kazaa and with music downloading becoming illegal I want to be extra careful. Aside from that, I'm working on playing my Neopet's account. Right now I'm mostly just posting and being active in my guilds. ^__^ I'll see you all later, when I update.

Hey! Wow, I've been updating everyday :) That's cool. Yesterday, I didn't feel like updating later that night, so I didn't. But today I did! Yay!!

Me: One of my friends is having a birthday (August 9) and is inviting a few [or more] of her friends to celebrate at their cottage. It's going to a lot of fun ^__^ My swimsuit "broke" so I have to wear my old one *sigh*. Oh well, I'm sure no one will notice it's a little tight.

Site: Well, I got rid of ALL the banner ads. I just covered them up using a image the same size as the ad with DIV layers. I hope doesn't mind. If I get kicked off, I have other accounts avaliable. I just upload and *poof* instant stie :) As for the pop-ups there shouldn't be any. If you do find any email me with the information about WHEN it popped up, etc. Thank you! Oh & today I will probably update "here & there" so expect more updates below this later:

+ Submitted to a new clique: Huggable.
+ Submitted to my the web directories: Infinite, pvc listings, PM! ListingS, Bright, Glitter Web Directory, Cheery Soda Web Directory and Just-glow.
+ Added a new section to the "Me" area: My Rants. So far I have a rant about chat language and forwards ^___^ Not really recommended though, lol. Unless you like to read rants and learn about other peoples opinion.

Well, I just woke up *yawn* and had breakfast. I don't really feel like updating right now (I will later tonight) but I do have some stuff to yak about.

Me (17 days until my birthday): I got to sleep really late last night because I cleaned my room ^__^ I love to clean for some reason. Anyways, I have found one lost item: my palm! It was under my bed. I know where the PS2 game is too --- in Pennsylvannia at some house :) I'm going to call them up to ask for it. Also, I got a new AIM screename. It's lilcaragirl . Please use that instead of my old one! Thanks ^__^

Wow, a lot of updates for today! I'm on a roll :)
Linkage: Here's a new website: Tainted Love by Bex. Oh and I located a really nice website with loads of content. It's operated by Naomi. Lovely sites, the both of them.

Me: Well, I have lost two important toys. First, my Palm Pilot. Second, my brand-new playstation game 'Harvest Moon' (given to me by Miguel for my WAAAHHH!! Hopefully I'll find it when I clean out my room today. I probably left the game in Pennslyvannia. Yeah, I was there for the past week. It was a load of fun: we went to Hershey. You know, where they make Hershey's chocolate! We left with a souvenir: a 5 lb chocolate bar. Man, it is BIG. Anywho, my birthday is coming up in 18 days! Woohoo! Maybe I should set up a blog....but I really don't feel like it. Plus, I don't understand b2 or greymatter *sigh* Retard.....Oh, today I'm going to dinner at another families hourse. It's bound to scrumptious. Yum Yum! Lol, I didn't have breakfast today because I had babysitting. The little boy I babysit is simply the cutest. I babysit for 2 hours and make $5 per hour. Not bad..

Site: The 'site' part of the website has been updated with a few new pages. Credits, Awards (lol), Coming Soon page and Button Rotations. You can also find Button Rotations here on the front page. I have only joined one so far. Hehe. I visited a lot of websites today and commented & signed gbooks to my hearts content. I'm going offline now....tooodles!

My very first layout using DIV layer & iframes =) It isn't completely finished (it needs more color). I'm going to add some cute hello kitty images along the sides and maybe some pastel rainbow spikes and clouds... it all depends. But I'm very happy with the way it turned out. Anyways, the photo page is under construction as is the content page. However, the content page still has some pages running, so go ahead and click there if you want. I also deleted a bunch of crap ^_^ Please expect new content soon! Well, that's all I've got to say so far..

Later that day...
Here are the first tweaks that I have made!
+ I added funky star shapes around the layout - cute-ting!
+ The backlinker text that says "<<--Home?" brings you back to the blog.

And coming soon...a dedication to Sanrio merchandise and its darling characters! 01.08.03
I'm very, very sorry for neglecting my online life. Unfortunately, I'm leaving tomorrow for another week... *sigh*. As a parting gift, I added some buttons and wallpapers to the Design Attempts page. My mother dislikes the new ones which feature Yu Yu Hakusho's Kurama and Hiei (not yaoi or anything). I put together my favorite characters in the best poses. Mom doesn't like the wallpapers because they are "violent". Uh...well, Hiei is depicted holding his sword, looking angry & looking cold and ruthless. Kurama is depicted holding a flower, looking serious and in his demon form (silver hair, fox ears). Nothing too scary. I'm thinking about adding my Digi Charat wallpaper but I dislike something I did with it. Coincidently, mama likes this one because it's "cuter". *Sigh* I don't think she understands anime, that I do.

Well, I'm leaving in a few minutes to go downstate. I'll be gone for the whole weekend, so don't expect any updates. But I'm leaving with an update. The Design Attempts page has 5 new additions. One wallpaper, two AIM icons, one avatar and one souvenir link image. Enjoy :) Mind you, the page isn't called Design ATTEMPTS for nothing!

I've updated another 8 pages. I guess 8 is my limit. Maybe tonight I'll work on it more; it's only 2:30 so the day is still young. Here are the updated pages:

1. Sign Guestbook Page
2. View Guestbook Page
3. Random and Fun Stuff Page
4. Graphic Related Links
5. Hundred Ways to Order Pizza
6. Hundred Ways to Say I Love You
7. About School
8. About the Site

Well, I've updated 8 more pages so far. :) That's all I really have to say...

These are those 8 pages:
1. Design Attempts
2. Contact Me Page
3. Content Page
4. Cliques I've Joined * Page 1
5. Cliques I've Joined * Page 2
6. Cliques I've Joined * Page 3
7. Cliques I've Joined * Page 4
8. 80+ Ways to Annoy Someone Page

I'm back home! I had a blast at Calif. :) I'm trying as hard as I can to update all of the pages here to the new layout :) I hope you like it. It's 10:45 here. Anyways, I also cleaned out my computer, which I'm very proud of. I got rid of a ton of stuff and my computer runs faster now. Plus, I extracted all Kazaa files. &*(#$+#$a#$ KAZAA!! I loved downloading music. Now I'll have to pay for it. Oh well, now I have no excuse but to support my favorite artists. Anyways here are the pages that have been updated.

Anime page
Archived Updates
Basics About Me

I'm in California :) I've been staying at my grandmother's house without a computer! So here is my first chance to put my layout on any other pages. In fact, I've only done 1. That's the Answer Machine Recordings. Well, that's the shortest update ever. See you next time!

It's been a whole month since I've last updated! I guess that school and summer vacation just caught up with me. Well, I updated today. Well, it's more like a 'tweak'. This page is the layout I want to use for the site. None of the other pages have it yet, because it took me quite a while to figure out DIV layers. I tried to quicken the loading pace by slicing the image into fours, but it still is going rather slow. It will have to do for now. I'm planning to update all of the pages to match this one. Sounds good? If you have any suggestions, please email me.

To continue with my lamenting, I will not be able to update for quite a while. I'm going to be in California for two weeks, as of tomorrow. So forgive me if you see a stray link or something out of place and/or broken. Just email me and I'll get back to you ^__^ I'll set up a thank you page for anyone who does so. Plus, I'm partnering in the reconstruction of one of my Neopets guild, so it might be a while until all of the pages are updated. Then, I'm going to utilize PHP because I have 50+ pages. *sigh*

On the bright side, my cousin is getting a domain of his very own. He's willing to let me have some space, I believe. Maybe I'll be able to do something about these irritating pop-ups. I suppose I could afford to pay 2 dollars to have them removed, but I'd rather just save up for a domain of my own. Well, I have to finish packing for California and work on the guild. It's called Anime Fusion. If you'd like to help, email me! We'd be happy for the help :)

All of the pages have been updated :) Yup, all 58 pages. This means, for the time being, there should be no broken-links, images and no page left without the phrase "The background made by in Adobe Photoshop." Over 20 useless-images have been deleted, so hopefully HKU will work better now :) I couldn't do anything about the pop-ups, because using scripts to get rid of them is against the Terms of Service. I don't have enough money to buy a domain, and my parents won't allow me to even if I wasn't broke. Heh. But even if I had a domain, my web design skills are not worthy of any. A lot of updates have just occured, so I won't take the time to discuss them all. I am excited about my new custom 404 page. Anyways, these are the requirements for the website: Javascript, CSS and HTML enabled, Internet Explorer and whatever resolution you like. Please contact me if something isn't working. Anyways, I have some ideas for HKU. I am thinking about starting a HTML, Javascript and CSS help page/ tutorial page. :) Maybe this summmer I'll start to show what I've been doing on that project. Anyways, I'm going to be really busy the next couple weeks, so if you want more up-to date information about my life, you can go to my uJournal. Please sign the guestbook!

The cool hover images aren't work >.< *must figure out*. [edit]I figured it out - the images should work now.[/edit] Anyways, I have some ideas of what I want to add to this website next :) First off, the anime section. I want to add full episode guides for all of my favorite animes with extras and stuff. I also want to upload my full pokemon card collection. I also want to add all of my collections (cards, seashells, coins, stickers etc.). Then, I want to upload music and stuff onto my site :) For your downloading pleasure. *cough*. I want to add more tutorials. I want to do a lot of stuff. I guess it's better just to tell when I actually do put everything up. Well here's the low-down for today.
+ Added another image to the graphic section.
+ Working on uploading all of the clique images onto my server.

I'm finished!! All of the content I have has been put up! Since I'm a lazy, unmotivated Junior High student, you may find that to get back to the previous pages you have to click the "Back" Button. Haha :) I decided not to use this as the a blog - I'll just use my Open Diary to write about my days and crap. What's new? Well, I made a custom 404 page :) I also added to new tutorials - How to Install Greymatter and How to Make a Custom 404 page :)

I made some mouseover pictures for the new navigation. I have to seperate all of my content and put them into seperate pages. I will do that later: For now, only a small porportion of my content is up so please come back later if you want to see it all :)

Maybe this should be Yeah, that's what they call it. Hm..well, whatever. Anyways, if you noticed sometimes there is a background on one page and not on another. I'm really sorry about that. I tried to change the background but I forgot to change the wallpaper I made to 800 X 600 so now, on whatever page it's on, it doesn't "cover up" the whole screen & it repeats. I don't know what's going on, because whenever I try to use the 800X600 one, it always uploads as the 600X480 one. Darn my socks. I haven't gotten around to changing the navigation either. I'm thinking about have these sections: About Me, You, Site, Links & Other. What do you think? If you sign the guestbook, it would be great (^^). I am also looking for those codes to get rid of some of the advertisements on this page. Do you know of any?! If you do please email me.

May 17- All of the updates are being archived (again). I'm always doing that because I am searching for a way to announce updates on the front page without taking up a ton of room. Whenever I find a new way, I archive updates. This seems to be doing the trick so it may stay up for the remainder of this sites existence.

<<< go this direction