>>My Basics<<
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Name: Cara
Nicknames: Car Car [-chan] (sometimes) , Cera, ching/ching-ching, Kitty
Age: 13
Date of Birth: August 23, 1990   [august]
Place of Birth: Buffalo, New York
Birth Weight: 8 lbs. 8 ounces
Star Sign: Leo/Virgo {{I was born on a cusp}}
Currently living: Michigan, U.S.A.
Hair Color: Black.
Eye Color: ^Very^ dark brown -- kind of a brown/black
Weight: 110 lbs
Height: 4 feet, 10 inches AND A HALF!!
Grade: 8th
Physical description: Medium length black hair, extremely dark brown, four foot ten, one hundred and ten pounds, one pair of piercings in my ears and small feet. Asian.
Ethinic Background: Filipino (Philippines) That would be in Asia.
Religion: Catholic.
Pets: Pongo, a Newfoundland dog and Cherry Bubbles, my betta fish.
Immediate Family: I live with my mom and dad [Mama & Papa] along with my younger brother, Miguel.
Described as: funny, always-doing-something, fiery, clumsy and weird.
The commonly asked question; are you chinese?: No, no, NO.
Musical artists: Dido and Celine Dion.
Hobbies: drawing, reading, console games, tennis, internet, computer, movies, cartoons, HGTV, shopping with other people's money, and playing DDR.
Books/Authors: LOTR, Artemis Fowl, Harry Potter, the Anne of Green Gables Series John Grisham and Stephen King.
Electronic games: Kingdom Hearts (PS2), Bust-a-Move (N64), DDR (PS & PS2) --my exercise--, the Spyro series(PS & PS2), the Pokemon series(GB) and Rayman(PS2). Let's not forget Tetris (handheld) and Bob-It!

Non-electric games: Macala, Chinese checkers, Scrabble, Candyland, Shoots and Ladders, and chess.
Outdoors: Biking, swimming, tennis.

Food: Sushi, corn, cornbread, cake, ice-cream, spaghetti, udon and wasabi!
Food I hate: I'm nitpicky about candy; I dislike A LOT of it but I love the rest to bits. I also dislike most kinds of donuts, stuff with too much icing and things that are overwhelming sweet.
Typing Speed: Wavering between 60-80 WPM.
Coke: Coke. Coke. Coke.
Color: I like all of the colors - it's fun to "play" with them; choosing which one I think portrays something - brown is for earth, white/silver is for winter - I can change them around too!
Clothing Tastes: I'm not much into brand-names, not because they are "in" and I'm a non-conformist, but because I never thought they were particularly attractive. I do like clothes with influence from different countries, pretty designs/colors, nice sweaters and cardigans - that sort of thing. I have no favorite store, though one that is cheap is nice *waves empty wallet*
Entertainment: You could say I've only "just discovered" TV shows and movies - but I'm beginning to enjoy it. Once I compile my favorites, I'll let you know.
Number: three and seven

Worth: 1,304,000
Best Personality Trait: Most likely my enthusiasm and passion.
Worst Trait: I get a little carried away with my emotions sometimes.
Best Physical Trait: ...me hair. It's black - it's also very thick.
Worst Physical Trait: ...me legs. They are not cool 0_o
I'm really good at: Rationalizing, having extreme fits of energy, talking fast, speed reading, doodling, getting out of tricky situations (homework, detention), being open-minded, computer junk.
I'm really bad at: Taking things calming, being graceful, being on time, remembering things, keeping track of time and I'll meet my downfall while trying to do a science experiment.
Opinion on abortion: Pro choice. I think it is really sad to abort a baby, a living human being.
Opinion on homosexuality: Totally for it. I hate it when people discriminate against other people.
[straight but not narrow]
Fears: Not living up to my expectations, knives

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